Sew Loka X Harlem Shake 2022 Celebration #sandiego #barriologan

Sew Loka video celebrating community. Filmed and edited by Adam Martinez @visualcache on July 2, 2022 in front of 2113 Logan Avenue 92113.


#harlemshake LOKA EDITION  we know these #harlemshake videos haven’t been trending for almost a decade now  but who cares?! The timing felt right and we went with it  we created this video as a way to connect with our friends and to celebrate the cool people who support #sewloka  this video is for YOU, our community, without you we are nada, we don’t exist  the people around us give our lives meaning and they allow for us to keep dreaming  huge shout out to everyone that participated in the making of this video  we had a blast and we are grateful that we got share this brief, but beautiful moment with you !!!! Thank you for always showing love and supporting

our #smallbusiness #familybusiness We Appreciate You !!!! 

Claudia BiezunskiComment